The AsyncAPI CLI makes it easier to work with AsyncAPI documents.
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$ npm install -g @asyncapi/cli $ asyncapi COMMAND running command... $ asyncapi (--version) @asyncapi/cli/0.47.8 linux-x64 node-v18.16.0 $ asyncapi --help [COMMAND] USAGE $ asyncapi COMMAND ...
asyncapi bundle
asyncapi config
asyncapi config context
asyncapi config context add CONTEXT-NAME SPEC-FILE-PATH
asyncapi config context current
asyncapi config context list
asyncapi config context remove CONTEXT-NAME
asyncapi config context use CONTEXT-NAME
asyncapi config versions
asyncapi convert [SPEC-FILE]
asyncapi diff OLD NEW
asyncapi generate
asyncapi generate fromTemplate ASYNCAPI TEMPLATE
asyncapi generate models LANGUAGE FILE
asyncapi new
asyncapi new file
asyncapi new glee
asyncapi new project
asyncapi optimize [SPEC-FILE]
asyncapi start
asyncapi start studio
asyncapi validate [SPEC-FILE]
asyncapi bundle
bundle one or multiple asyncapi documents and their references together.
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USAGE $ asyncapi bundle [-h] [-o <value>] [-r] [-b <value>] FLAGS -b, --base=<value> Path to the file which will act as a base. This is required when some properties are to needed to be overwritten. -h, --help Show CLI help. -o, --output=<value> The output file name. Omitting this flag the result will be printed in the console. -r, --reference-into-components Bundle the message $refs into components object. DESCRIPTION bundle one or multiple asyncapi documents and their references together. EXAMPLES $ asyncapi bundle ./asyncapi.yaml > final-asyncapi.yaml $ asyncapi bundle ./asyncapi.yaml --output final-asyncapi.yaml $ asyncapi bundle ./asyncapi.yaml ./features.yaml --reference-into-components $ asyncapi bundle ./asyncapi.yaml ./features.yaml --base ./asyncapi.yaml --reference-into-components
See code: src/commands/bundle.ts
asyncapi config
CLI config settings
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USAGE $ asyncapi config DESCRIPTION CLI config settings
See code: src/commands/config/index.ts
asyncapi config context
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USAGE $ asyncapi config context
asyncapi config context add CONTEXT-NAME SPEC-FILE-PATH
Add or modify a context in the store
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USAGE $ asyncapi config context add CONTEXT-NAME SPEC-FILE-PATH [-h] ARGUMENTS CONTEXT-NAME context name SPEC-FILE-PATH file path of the spec file FLAGS -h, --help Show CLI help. DESCRIPTION Add or modify a context in the store
asyncapi config context current
Shows the current context that is being used
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USAGE $ asyncapi config context current [-h] FLAGS -h, --help Show CLI help. DESCRIPTION Shows the current context that is being used
asyncapi config context list
List all the stored context in the store
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USAGE $ asyncapi config context list [-h] FLAGS -h, --help Show CLI help. DESCRIPTION List all the stored context in the store
asyncapi config context remove CONTEXT-NAME
Delete a context from the store
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USAGE $ asyncapi config context remove CONTEXT-NAME [-h] ARGUMENTS CONTEXT-NAME Name of the context to delete FLAGS -h, --help Show CLI help. DESCRIPTION Delete a context from the store
asyncapi config context use CONTEXT-NAME
Set a context as current
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USAGE $ asyncapi config context use CONTEXT-NAME [-h] ARGUMENTS CONTEXT-NAME name of the saved context FLAGS -h, --help Show CLI help. DESCRIPTION Set a context as current
asyncapi config versions
Show versions of AsyncAPI tools used
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USAGE $ asyncapi config versions [-h] FLAGS -h, --help Show CLI help. DESCRIPTION Show versions of AsyncAPI tools used
asyncapi convert [SPEC-FILE]
Convert asyncapi documents older to newer versions
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USAGE $ asyncapi convert [SPEC-FILE] [-h] [-o <value>] [-t <value>] ARGUMENTS SPEC-FILE spec path, url, or context-name FLAGS -h, --help Show CLI help. -o, --output=<value> path to the file where the result is saved -t, --target-version=<value> [default: 2.6.0] asyncapi version to convert to DESCRIPTION Convert asyncapi documents older to newer versions
See code: src/commands/convert.ts
asyncapi diff OLD NEW
Find diff between two asyncapi files
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USAGE $ asyncapi diff OLD NEW [-h] [-f json|yaml|yml] [-t breaking|non-breaking|unclassified|all] [-o <value>] [-w] [--log-diagnostics] [--diagnostics-format json|stylish|junit|html|text|teamcity|pretty] [--fail-severity error|warn|info|hint] ARGUMENTS OLD old spec path, URL or context-name NEW new spec path, URL or context-name FLAGS -f, --format=<option> [default: yaml] format of the output <options: json|yaml|yml> -h, --help Show CLI help. -o, --overrides=<value> path to JSON file containing the override properties -t, --type=<option> [default: all] type of the output <options: breaking|non-breaking|unclassified|all> -w, --watch Enable watch mode --diagnostics-format=(json|stylish|junit|html|text|teamcity|pretty) [default: stylish] format to use for validation diagnostics --fail-severity=(error|warn|info|hint) [default: error] diagnostics of this level or above will trigger a failure exit code --[no-]log-diagnostics log validation diagnostics or not DESCRIPTION Find diff between two asyncapi files
See code: src/commands/diff.ts
asyncapi generate
Generate typed models or other things like clients, applications or docs using AsyncAPI Generator templates.
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USAGE $ asyncapi generate DESCRIPTION Generate typed models or other things like clients, applications or docs using AsyncAPI Generator templates.
See code: src/commands/generate/index.ts
asyncapi generate fromTemplate ASYNCAPI TEMPLATE
Generates whatever you want using templates compatible with AsyncAPI Generator.
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USAGE $ asyncapi generate fromTemplate ASYNCAPI TEMPLATE [-h] [-d <value>] [-i] [--debug] [-n <value>] [-o <value>] [--force-write] [-w] [-p <value>] [--map-base-url <value>] ARGUMENTS ASYNCAPI - Local path, url or context-name pointing to AsyncAPI file TEMPLATE - Name of the generator template like for example @asyncapi/html-template or FLAGS -d, --disable-hook=<value>... Disable a specific hook type or hooks from a given hook type -h, --help Show CLI help. -i, --install Installs the template and its dependencies (defaults to false) -n, --no-overwrite=<value>... Glob or path of the file(s) to skip when regenerating -o, --output=<value> Directory where to put the generated files (defaults to current directory) -p, --param=<value>... Additional param to pass to templates -w, --watch Watches the template directory and the AsyncAPI document, and re-generate the files when changes occur. Ignores the output directory. --debug Enable more specific errors in the console --force-write Force writing of the generated files to given directory even if it is a git repo with unstaged files or not empty dir (defaults to false) --map-base-url=<value> Maps all schema references from base url to local folder DESCRIPTION Generates whatever you want using templates compatible with AsyncAPI Generator. EXAMPLES $ asyncapi generate fromTemplate asyncapi.yaml @asyncapi/html-template --param version=1.0.0 singleFile=true --output ./docs --force-write
asyncapi generate models LANGUAGE FILE
Generates typed models
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USAGE $ asyncapi generate models LANGUAGE FILE [-h] [-o <value>] [--tsModelType class|interface] [--tsEnumType enum|union] [--tsModuleSystem ESM|CJS] [--tsIncludeComments] [--tsExportType default|named] [--tsJsonBinPack] [--packageName <value>] [--namespace <value>] [--csharpAutoImplement] [--csharpNewtonsoft] [--csharpArrayType Array|List] [--csharpHashcode] [--csharpEqual] [--csharpSystemJson] [--log-diagnostics] [--diagnostics-format json|stylish|junit|html|text|teamcity|pretty] [--fail-severity error|warn|info|hint] ARGUMENTS LANGUAGE (typescript|csharp|golang|java|javascript|dart|python|rust|kotlin|php|cplusplus) The language you want the typed models generated for. FILE Path or URL to the AsyncAPI document, or context-name FLAGS -h, --help Show CLI help. -o, --output=<value> The output directory where the models should be written to. Omitting this flag will write the models to `stdout`. --csharpArrayType=<option> [default: Array] C# specific, define which type of array needs to be generated. <options: Array|List> --csharpAutoImplement C# specific, define whether to generate auto-implemented properties or not. --csharpEqual C# specific, generate the models with the Equal method overwritten --csharpHashcode C# specific, generate the models with the GetHashCode method overwritten --csharpNewtonsoft C# specific, generate the models with newtonsoft serialization support --csharpSystemJson C# specific, generate the models with System.Text.Json serialization support --diagnostics-format=(json|stylish|junit|html|text|teamcity|pretty) [default: stylish] format to use for validation diagnostics --fail-severity=(error|warn|info|hint) [default: error] diagnostics of this level or above will trigger a failure exit code --[no-]log-diagnostics log validation diagnostics or not --namespace=<value> C#, C++ and PHP specific, define the namespace to use for the generated models. This is required when language is `csharp`,`c++` or `php`. --packageName=<value> Go, Java and Kotlin specific, define the package to use for the generated models. This is required when language is `go`, `java` or `kotlin`. --tsEnumType=<option> [default: enum] TypeScript specific, define which type of enums needs to be generated. <options: enum|union> --tsExportType=<option> [default: default] TypeScript specific, define which type of export needs to be generated. <options: default|named> --tsIncludeComments TypeScript specific, if enabled add comments while generating models. --tsJsonBinPack TypeScript specific, define basic support for serializing to and from binary with jsonbinpack. --tsModelType=<option> [default: class] TypeScript specific, define which type of model needs to be generated. <options: class|interface> --tsModuleSystem=<option> [default: ESM] TypeScript specific, define the module system to be used. <options: ESM|CJS> DESCRIPTION Generates typed models
asyncapi new
Creates a new asyncapi file
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USAGE $ asyncapi new [-h] [-n <value>] [-e <value>] [-s] [-p <value>] [--no-tty] FLAGS -e, --example=<value> name of the example to use -h, --help Show CLI help. -n, --file-name=<value> name of the file -p, --port=<value> port in which to start Studio -s, --studio open in Studio --no-tty do not use an interactive terminal DESCRIPTION Creates a new asyncapi file
See code: src/commands/new/index.ts
asyncapi new file
Creates a new asyncapi file
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USAGE $ asyncapi new file [-h] [-n <value>] [-e <value>] [-s] [-p <value>] [--no-tty] FLAGS -e, --example=<value> name of the example to use -h, --help Show CLI help. -n, --file-name=<value> name of the file -p, --port=<value> port in which to start Studio -s, --studio open in Studio --no-tty do not use an interactive terminal DESCRIPTION Creates a new asyncapi file
asyncapi new glee
Creates a new Glee project
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USAGE $ asyncapi new glee [-h] [-n <value>] FLAGS -h, --help Show CLI help. -n, --name=<value> [default: project] name of the project DESCRIPTION Creates a new Glee project
asyncapi new project
Creates a new Glee project
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USAGE $ asyncapi new project [-h] [-n <value>] FLAGS -h, --help Show CLI help. -n, --name=<value> [default: project] name of the project DESCRIPTION Creates a new Glee project
asyncapi optimize [SPEC-FILE]
optimize asyncapi specification file
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USAGE $ asyncapi optimize [SPEC-FILE] [-h] [-p remove-components|reuse-components|move-to-components] [-o terminal|new-file|overwrite] [--no-tty] ARGUMENTS SPEC-FILE spec path, url, or context-name FLAGS -h, --help Show CLI help. -o, --output=<option> [default: terminal] select where you want the output. <options: terminal|new-file|overwrite> -p, --optimization=<option>... [default: remove-components,reuse-components,move-to-components] select the type of optimizations that you want to apply. <options: remove-components|reuse-components|move-to-components> --no-tty do not use an interactive terminal DESCRIPTION optimize asyncapi specification file EXAMPLES $ asyncapi optimize ./asyncapi.yaml $ asyncapi optimize ./asyncapi.yaml --no-tty $ asyncapi optimize ./asyncapi.yaml --optimization=remove-components,reuse-components,move-to-components --no-tty $ asyncapi optimize ./asyncapi.yaml --optimization=remove-components,reuse-components,move-to-components --output=terminal --no-tty
See code: src/commands/optimize.ts
asyncapi start
Start asyncapi studio
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USAGE $ asyncapi start DESCRIPTION Start asyncapi studio
See code: src/commands/start/index.ts
asyncapi start studio
starts a new local instance of Studio
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USAGE $ asyncapi start studio [-h] [-f <value>] [-p <value>] FLAGS -f, --file=<value> path to the AsyncAPI file to link with Studio -h, --help Show CLI help. -p, --port=<value> port in which to start Studio DESCRIPTION starts a new local instance of Studio
asyncapi validate [SPEC-FILE]
validate asyncapi file
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USAGE $ asyncapi validate [SPEC-FILE] [-h] [-w] [--log-diagnostics] [--diagnostics-format json|stylish|junit|html|text|teamcity|pretty] [--fail-severity error|warn|info|hint] ARGUMENTS SPEC-FILE spec path, url, or context-name FLAGS -h, --help Show CLI help. -w, --watch Enable watch mode --diagnostics-format=(json|stylish|junit|html|text|teamcity|pretty) [default: stylish] format to use for validation diagnostics --fail-severity=(error|warn|info|hint) [default: error] diagnostics of this level or above will trigger a failure exit code --[no-]log-diagnostics log validation diagnostics or not DESCRIPTION validate asyncapi file
See code: src/commands/validate.ts